Shooting star Rampue was played by everyone and their mother this year, and has shown off his thang for mixing “ear worms” - as the Germans would say.“The Takeoff” by David Hasert & Matteo Luis, mixed by Rampue, is one of those tracks. That's right - one of those tracks.Press play and get your patience swag on - concentrate on the build up and you're transformed into a tiny speck of colour in a jittery laser light show on a galaxy of stars backdrop – it’s that dramatic. Picture yourself floating around in space amidst comets, shooting stars (and let's throw in some northern lights too, why not)…until oh, look, what's this? Suddenly there's a ghostly male choir serenading you from the background. The beat builds and cascades to a cliffhanger – before finally breaking into the kind of deep house wave you wish you could hear at your favorite festival with your favourite people around you.This track is emotional and progressive, tragic and hopeful all at the same time. The jitters combined with deep vocals create a sense of expectation that can easily be mistaken for something that feels like hope for the future - while grieving for a past you've finally overcome.P.S. The music video follows a guy walking through Istanbul. As if the music weren't enough.
Samstag, 29. März 2014
The Takeoff
Shooting star Rampue was played by everyone and their mother this year, and has shown off his thang for mixing “ear worms” - as the Germans would say.“The Takeoff” by David Hasert & Matteo Luis, mixed by Rampue, is one of those tracks. That's right - one of those tracks.Press play and get your patience swag on - concentrate on the build up and you're transformed into a tiny speck of colour in a jittery laser light show on a galaxy of stars backdrop – it’s that dramatic. Picture yourself floating around in space amidst comets, shooting stars (and let's throw in some northern lights too, why not)…until oh, look, what's this? Suddenly there's a ghostly male choir serenading you from the background. The beat builds and cascades to a cliffhanger – before finally breaking into the kind of deep house wave you wish you could hear at your favorite festival with your favourite people around you.This track is emotional and progressive, tragic and hopeful all at the same time. The jitters combined with deep vocals create a sense of expectation that can easily be mistaken for something that feels like hope for the future - while grieving for a past you've finally overcome.P.S. The music video follows a guy walking through Istanbul. As if the music weren't enough.
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